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Originally delivered on 8/11/2021 8:32 pm

SUBJECT: 21-22 CES PTA Cowboy Connection Vol. 1

Newsletter Volume 1 - August 11, 2021
Message from the President

Welcome back CES Families!! 

I can’t believe that the start of the 2021-2022 school year is only a week away! I am Leslie Moore, your CES PTA President for this upcoming year.  My husband Ryan and I have 2 children at CES: Carter, who will be a 4th grader and Kate, who will be a 2nd grader.  I am honored to be able to serve as your President this year and look forward to working alongside parents, teachers, school staff, and community members to help facilitate a wonderful year for our students.  

My goal for our PTA this year is to continue to provide on-going support of our teachers and staff to ensure that they have the adequate tools for the best learning environment for our children.  In addition, I would like to continue to develop new programs and opportunities to enhance our CES Community.  Also, please know that as your PTA President I am here for you!  As always, should you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to reach out. (, 817-565-8040)

I hope you all enjoy these last few days of summer!  I look forward to seeing everyone back on campus here very soon!


Upcoming Dates
Monday August 14Meet the Teacher 5pm

Start of Summer Party 6:30pm
Wednesday August 18First Day of School
Thursday August 26CES Parent Information Night
Monday September 13PTA Executive Board Meeting
Saturday October 30CES Fall Festival

Check out the CES PTA Calendar online to stay up to date on events!

Join PTA Now!

Now is the time to join PTA!   Our PTA is an active partnership among parents, principals, teachers, school staff and community members. Together, we strive to make Colleyville Elementary School the very best school possible for our children.

By joining the PTA you will have access to our online directory, receive regular newsletters to update on any PTA events and have opportunities for your voice be heard through Texas PTA.  There are also opportunities to sign up for other volunteer opportunities like Room Mom, Library Volunteer, All Star Dads & many more.

As an added incentive to join PTA this year, parents who join before 11:59pm September 3rd will be eligible for a prize drawing! We will be giving away (4) CES Spirit Wear T-shirts. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, September 7th.

Volunteer Background Checks

Don’t forget to complete your GCISD background checks!  

How to Register:

  1. Visit the website: App-Garden Volunteer Tracker
  2. Register and complete application.
  3. Application will be reviewed and you will be contacted if further information is needed.
  4. Once approved, check your email inbox for invites to opportunities that match your interest.

Please see information from the district regarding these:

Welcome to the Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District. We sincerely appreciate the investment of your time as a volunteer. Whether it is volunteering with your child's classroom, your school's field day or in any capacity in connection with our partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters, you must complete the following Volunteer Background Authorization form online.

 For the protection of students and staff, all volunteer applicants must read the 
Volunteer Handbook (in Español) and are asked to apply online authorizing the district to obtain a criminal history background check.

Note: All volunteers are required to reapply each year.

Upcoming Events
Meet the Teacher

As mentioned in Mrs. Lafara’s email, our teachers will be creating a video of introduction to reveal who your child’s teacher will be.  These videos will be emailed Monday, August 16th at 4pm.

Meet the Teacher will be Monday, August 16th from 5-6:30pm.

Start of School Party 2021

Kristen Walker, Margo Sturgeon, & our CES All Star Dads Club have been hard at work planning a fun evening for our CES Families! The SOS Party will take place immediately following Meet the Teacher from 6:30-8:30pm. 

Please note, this event will not start until 6:30pm.  We ask that you please keep your child from participating in any of the activities until the event begins.


Please see below for a Sign-Up Genius for volunteers for the SOS Party.  For this event to take place we must have volunteers to help.


Box Tops for Education has made things easier than ever! No more clipping. No more sending Box Tops to school. All you need is your phone. Download the ALL-NEW Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit your school's Box Tops earnings online. Twice a year, your school will receive a check and can use that cash to buy whatever it needs!

When you shop on Amazon, simply visit and select Colleyville Elementary PTA as the organization you would like to support. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added benefit that AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to our PTA!

Kroger Community Rewards makes giving easy when you grocery shop! Kroger donates annually to our PTA based on your percentage (at no added cost to you) of spending as it relates to the total spending associated with all participating Kroger Community Rewards organizations. 

Through your online Kroger Shopper Card account, under My Account > Community Rewards, select Colleyville Elementary School PTA. 

Stay Connected

If you haven't already, PLEASE update your family's information in the CES Family Directory!

Our online directory is a great way to stay connected. PTA members are granted complimentary access to the CES Family Directory! It is free to sign up in the directory and does not obligate you to join PTA, but we encourage that as well! We are using the “Membership Toolkit” service for our CES Family Directory, class rosters, online store, volunteer signups and PTA/room parent email communications. 

Sign up and tell your friends and neighbors about it, too!

Sign Up for Remind Updates

New Change: CES PTA is now offering Remind by grade level.  

Text grade level code to "81010"

CES PTA PreK @cespta2034

CES PTA Kinder @cespta2034

CES PTA 1st Grade @cespta2033

CES PTA 2nd Grade @cespta2032

CES PTA 3rd Grade @cespta2031

CES PTA 4th Grade @cespta2030

CES PTA 5th Grade @cespta2029

Don't forget to follow CES PTA on Facebook for important updates!

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